A winter trip to Acksjön

Another tip for a nice day trip on home soil.

This winter has been unusually dark so one day when it was finally a little lighter we went to Acksjön for a lovely forest walk. Acksjön is located just outside Molkom and has three fairly long trails for a day trip. The tours are 3.5 kilometres, 7-9 kilometres and 12-15 kilometres long. It is actually a bit unclear how long the trails are, as there are different information when you search for information about them. We thought the middle trail sounded nice and our assessment is that it was probably closer to 9 kilometres long.

The trails start from Acksjön's school where you can easily park your car and find trail maps. The tour starts down towards the small lake and just down by the shore there is a barbecue area with beautiful views. At first I was a little disappointed that the trail turned off the lake so early but the first kilometres went along a small stream with small falls along the path. However, the stream gradually grows and becomes first a river and finally what you can almost call a small rapids.

The trails are well marked (except for the length) and in good condition, there are also plenty of rest areas and benches along the way so that you don't have to walk without a map. All in all, a rather pleasant trip.

Although you are not very far from the community, it is an incredibly relaxing trip and it really feels like you are deep in the big forest. The trails have a lot of varied nature, there is always something to look at. To first go and listen to the rippling water and then come further into the forest with the ground completely covered in soft moss and experience a total silence is like balm after a stressful week at work. Of course, you're never completely alone on a popular hiking trail nowadays, a little cheer to the one you meet will be there from time to time.

The miserable year of the pandemic has at least brought one positive thing, and that is that many of us have got out into the woods and nature much more. Several municipalities, including Karlstad, has done a lot to showcase and promote all the trails in the neighbourhood. Many rest areas have been extended or refurbished. Just think that you can come out to a picnic area and there is plenty of wood for a fire. You could call that a municipal service! Recently I also read about rest areas down in Skåne that were so popular that they had to be pre-booked. I really hope that the interest in our beautiful Swedish nature continues even when we start travelling again.

So what did we think of Acksjön? We had a cosy day trip on a chilly winter's day and we'll be back soon to take the long walk too.

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