Fairytale Sunne

Wonderful view from Tossebergsklätten.
Fryksdalen från Tossebergsklätten

At the end of July, we took a trip to Sunne. Their municipal slogan is now Sagolika Sunne and the village really lives up to that epithet. Fantastic nature and a widely known storytelling tradition. Sunne is perhaps best known for Mårbacka, Selma Lagerlöf's home, which is well worth taking a detour for. Selma grew up on the farm but when the family got into financial trouble they had to sell it. When she made it big as a writer, she bought the farm back and lived there until her death. Sunne has much more to offer: Sweden's first spa, Sunne water park, King's Cakery, Rottneros park, Berättarladan, Västanå theatre and much more. Sunne also has a surprisingly active town centre where the shop that stands out most is perhaps Shangri-La, a disproportionately large lingerie shop with VERY good service.

On this occasion, however, we had another goal in sight, Tossebergsklätten. The mountain in question is 343 metres high and once up, you have a wonderful view of the entire Fryksdalen.

In addition to the beautiful view, there is now also a branch of King's Cakery, which has lifted the café considerably. Unfortunately, we were a little too hot on the porridge, which resulted in us buying coffee before they had time to pick out the American cakes that made them famous. However, there was no need for us as we got a sickly good chocolate ball and coffee.

The picture is taken from King's Cakery FB

On the way home, we also took the opportunity to visit Diner 45. The diner is in classic American 50s style both in terms of food, decor and uniforms. Their milkshakes were delicious but we were a little disappointed with the burgers. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them but today when pretty much every gourmet restaurant has a burger on the menu, you are very spoiled which sets up high expectations for a place with it as its speciality.

In summary, it was a very nice trip but the lesson is not to eat so much that you find it difficult to stagger to the car...

Our experience
 5.5/10

Our roadtrip to Norway

We set off on our first trip with the motorhome. Since we had quite a few stops during the Norway trip, we chose to make a
